Вот чем я отличаюсь от девочек, слушающих попсовые сладкоголосые песенки?
Тожи сладкоголосое... тока не попсовое ) но я поработаю над этим )
И не спрашивайти, де я ето взяла... я и так сразу отвечу. Я тупо скачала все песни из вконтактной группы Dark Cabaret, бо я ленивое, мне стало лениво искать Джилл Трэйси в недрах инета и я тупо утянула её из вконтакта, а до кучи ещё длинный хвостик песен в интересующем меня стиле... От сижу, слухаю, смакую, убиваюсь )
Pretty Balanced - Cheap Drunk
текст включительноsomething wasn’t right
it wasn’t she
you thought it wouldn’t get
around to me
but i’m too clever no
it’s not her fault
i think you should go home
and drink your malt
you don’t have to convince
me of her guilt
the flowers aren’t helping
they just wilt
your presence merely
irritates like salt
i think you should go home
and drink your malt
don’t try to talk to me
don’t try to placate me
i see what happened here
it’s very plain my dear
when you get bored with me
go run to her but she
isn’t a bastard like
she and i take pleasure
in your tears
you’ve had fun but now we’re
switching gears
this ain’t just another
little bicker
you better go home
and drink your malt
don’t try to talk to me
don’t try to placate me
i see what happened here
it’s very plain my dear
when you get bored with me
go run to her but she
isn’t a bastard like
he cannot be trusted with the girls
and he cannot be trusted with alcohol
and he cannot be trusted with my things
no he cannot be trusted with the girls
no more shoulders on
which you can cry
i won’t even give you
a goodbye
you aren’t going fast enough
you better pack quicker
and get your ass on home
to drink your malt
don’t try to talk to me
don’t try to placate me
i see what happened here
it’s very plain my dear
when you get bored with me
go run to her but she
isn’t a bastard like
don’t try to talk to me
don’t try to placate me
i see what happened here
it’s very plain my dear
when you get bored with me
go run to her but she
isn’t a bastard like